Our app is free to try for 14 days, if you want more, you can provide payment details which will extend your trial to 30 days providing you an extra 16 more days to try our app.
Yes, our Personal and Premium packages are free for non-profits and educational use. E-mail your details to us after starting your Free Trial and we will upgrade your account if you qualify.
Since we provide an extremely detailed reporting and analytics tool, they require quite a bit storage space. For average use, you don’t have to worry about running out of space since the Personal package limits the projects you can have.
For some reason if you run out of space, contact us and we will see what can be done about it and make sure you are not generating unnecessary reports and/or analytics data.
If you are still in your free trial period, you can cancel your account at anytime with a single click of a button. If you already paid for your first month, we also offer 30-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked.
After first month, you can still cancel your account at any time but we will calculate the amount that corresponds to days you have been using our app for that month and refund only the remaining amount.